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The village of Ardmore spread itself tidily along the coast of County Waterford with the blue waters of the Celtic Sea a skirt at its feet. The hills and cliffs rolled above it, green now even in the dark of winter. Some said when the air was quiet and the stars were bright diamonds in the night sky, a keen ear could catch the sound of pipes and flutes playing from the raft beneath the faerie hill where a pretty cottage made its home.There were some who knew the music was real, and that it played for lovers.

Olá! Essa é uma belíssima trilogia, que se passa na Irlanda, mostrando suas colinas e as belíssimas paisagens. O mundo encantado das fadas. Cheio de mistério, magia, amor… e onde os irmãos Gallagher exploram as profundezas de seus corações apaixonados…. Aqui no Brasil saiu com o nome de Trilogia do Coração, mas seu nome original …